Wild Wander is a wildlife and environment internet video series created by local conservationist, Peter Kleinhenz, and his friend, Jordan Thornsburg. The Magnolia chapter of FNPS sponsored a three part episode from the second season titled "The Fire Forest", all about the native longleaf pine ecosystem. This season explores the longleaf pine ecosystem by explaining its history, species, threats, and outlook for the future. Peter interviewed botanists, herpetologists, historians, and more throughout this series and encountered some of its most interesting, and exciting, inhabitants.
To see more from Wild Wander:
Seepage Bog pt.1 | Plants that Eat Bugs | Wild Wander - The Fire Forest
Seepage Bog pt.2 | Carolina Milkweed / Asclepias cinerea | Native Florida Milkweed | WILD WANDER
Fewflower Milkweed / Asclepias lanceolata | Florida Conservation | WILD WANDER